Boss’s Day –

Now here is a day that gives you a chance to both tell and show the boss what you really think of him or her and, it is an opportunity to give your boss the appreciation that he or she truely deserves. So go right ahead and give it to him…..give it to him good! After all, it only comes around once a year.

What Makes a Good Boss?
Here are some attributes people say make for the best boss:
• Fair
• Honest
• Understanding
• Approachable
• A good communicator
* Handsome lol



The origin of Bosses Day dates back to 1958. Patricia Bays Haroski, an employee at State Farm Insurance Company in Illinois, registered it with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Haroski chose the date because it was her father’s birthday. Who was her boss? ….her father.

White Cane Safety Day –

White Cane Safety Day celebrates and recognizes the achievements of the blind and visually impaired, and their independence. That independence is represented by the white cane that they use to travel from place to place.

The white cane is an invaluable tool for the blind. It affords blind people a freedom of movement they otherwise may not have. The white cane is a well recognized symbol of independence.

If you know someone who is blind or visually impaired, celebrate this day with him or her. We suggest you let them take you for a walk.

Thanksgiving Day –

Thanksgiving Day  is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well.

While some researchers state that “there is no compelling narrative of the origins of the Canadian Thanksgiving day”, the first Canadian Thanksgiving is often traced back to 1578 and the explorer Martin Frobisher. Frobisher, who had been trying to find a northern passage to the Pacific Ocean, held his Thanksgiving celebration not for harvest but in thanks for surviving the long journey from England through the perils of storms and icebergs. On his third and final voyage to the far north, Frobisher held a formal ceremony in Frobisher Bay in Baffin Island (present-day Nunavut) to give thanks to God and in a service ministered by the preacher Robert Wolfall they celebrated Communion.

Oven roasted turkey

The origins of Canadian Thanksgiving are also sometimes traced to the French settlers who came to New France with explorer Samuel de Champlain in the early 17th century, who celebrated their successful harvests. The French settlers in the area typically had feasts at the end of the harvest season and continued throughout the winter season, even sharing food with the indigenous peoples of the area.

As settlers arrived in Canada from New England, late autumn Thanksgiving celebrations became common. New immigrants into the country, such as the Irish, Scottish and Germans, also added their own traditions to the harvest celebrations. Most of the U.S. aspects of Thanksgiving (such as the turkey), were incorporated when United Empire Loyalists began to flee from the United States during the American Revolution and settled in Canada.

Thanksgiving is now a statutory holiday in most jurisdictions of Canada, with the exception of the Atlantic provinces of Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Fire Prevention Day –

According to legend, on October 8, 1871, Mrs. O’Leary was in her barn, milking her cow. The cow kicked over a lamp which started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The fire burned for over 27 hours. When it was over, more than 300 people were killed, 100,000 people were left homeless, and over 1,700 structures were destroyed.

The Great Chicago fire sparked major efforts in fire prevention. Forty years later, the Fire Marshall’s Association of North America(FMANA) held the first Fire Prevention Day. In 1920 , President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Fire Prevention Week.

The Saturday during Fire Prevention Week is Fire Service Recognition Day.

Did You Know? Dalmatians became fire dogs because they were often kept around the horses at fire houses to guard them.

Remember “EDITH”, which stand for “Exit Drills In The Home”. Today is a good day to have a practice drill.


American Touch Tag Day –

American Touch Tag Day is a day to play Touch Tag. That’ s right the child’s game of Tag. Touch Tag is probably the most popular child’s game in America. Almost all kids have played some version of it.

We are uncertain as to why this day was titled “American”. Tag has been known by many names, including: Tag, Touch, Touch Tag, It, Chasey, and Catching. The game has been played by children for thousands of years, going back as far as Ancient Egypt. If it was ours to call, we would certainly name this day World Tag Day.

Celebrate American Touch Tag Day today. No matter how old you are, go outside and play Touch Tag…..You’re it!

World Vegetarian Day –

World Vegetarian Day encourages us all to eat our fruits and vegetables….and stay away from meat of any kind! Countless studies have proven that a diet filled with fruits and vegetables is good for our health. Vegetarians, have taken this path either for the sake of their health, or from a conviction that they should not eat, and therefore, not kill animals.

A vegetarian, by definition, eats no meat. That includes fish and other forms of seafood. Bottom line is, a vegetarian eats no animal. Their diet consists of plants….fruits and vegetables. They are ethically and morally opposed to killing animals for food. They are also against poor treatment of animals at farms and slaughterhouses.

There are plenty of groups and organizations that support the vegetarian effort. If you are considering becoming a vegetarian, a quick web search, or a look up in your local phone directory should produce a group near you. While you are online, check out the wide range of sites offering vegetarian recipes.

This day is used to promote awareness of the issues, and encourages others to become vegetarians. Seeing as fruits and vegetables are very healthy for you, World Vegetarian Day is a good day to try a vegetarian diet. You might just be surprised at how good it tastes, too!

Confucius Day –

Confucius Day honors one of the world’s greatest philosophers.

Born in China on October 18, 551 B.C., Confucius is one of the earliest, and perhaps the first great philosopher. He was also a teacher, a scholar, and a politician. He gave the world many teachings, and gave the world 499 famous sayings.

Celebrate Confucius Day by learning more about this ancient philosopher, and read some of his teachings and sayings.

Note: Over the years, many comical and humorous sayings have been created and referenced as sayings of Confucius, usually titled “Confucius Says”. As a rule of thumb, if the saying is humorous, chances are it is not a true saying by this great scholar.

Checkers Day –

Get out the Checker Board. Today is Checkers Day. So, do you want the red checker or the black ones?

It may surprise you to know that it is also Dogs in Politics Day. Read on, and we will explain the connection.

Origin of Checkers Day:

In 1952, Richard M. Nixon was a candidate for Vice-President of the United States, running with Dwight D. Eisenhower.  Media speculation centered around an $18,000 campaign contribution, and speculation that Nixon may have used some for his personal use.  In a brilliant political maneuver, Nixon took his case to the American people.

On September 23, 1952, Richard Nixon gave a speech that directly addressed and explained the issue. He assured the public that he did not use any of the funds for personal use. Towards the end of the speech, he stated that his daughters had received a dog, which they named “Checkers”, as a gift. He said they would keep the dog.

This speech quickly became known as the “Checkers” speech, and went on to be one of the better speeches in American political history.

With “Checkers” the dog included in the speech, this day was sometimes referred to as Dogs in Politics Day.

Elephant Appreciation Day –

Elephant Appreciation Day is today. Show us how much you care about elephants. This is a big, elephant sized day. We feel it should be celebrated in a big way.

Little kids and big kids are fascinated by elephants. In a zoo, in the circus, or a wildlife special on television, elephants captivate us by their sheer size. Today is your chance to let them see that you appreciate them.  Showing your appreciation for them starts with a visit to your local zoo. They will be happy to see you. Making a donation towards their support, is a great way to show your appreciation.

Here’s a neat suggestion. …..Show elephants at your local zoo how much you love them, by serving them a special treat. They like pumpkins! They like big pumpkins.

Origin of Elephant Appreciation Day:

Mission Media Inc .created in 1996, largely because elephants are ….large. (and a whole lot of other great things.) The founder, Wayne Hepburn, received a paperweight of elephants on parade from his daughter as a gift. He became fascinated by them. He amassed a huge collection of elephant books and paraphernalia. His fascination and love of elephants led to the creation of this day so you and I can stop and enjoy these huge, lumbering beasts.

Miniature Golf Day –

Miniature Golf Day is today. So hit your local miniature golf course for some fun.

Miniature golf is wildly popular with adults and children. It’s a great date for couples, young and old.  It’s a great place to hold a birthday party for kids. You don’t have to be good at miniature golf to have fun. With twists, turns, and a variety of obstacles, your score is partially the result of luck and that’s half of the fun of it.

Take someone with you today to play a round or two of miniature golf.

We certainly hope that your day is up to par!